Honey Beekeeping 101
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Beekeeping Rules within Pueblo City Limits
In accordance with Pueblo City Regulations regarding the keeping of bees within city limits, the following information on keeping honey bees is provided: you are allowed two honeybee hives provided the number of honeybee hives does not exceed two hives located on the same property. A beehive shall mean any container housing no more than one colony of honey bees including one queen bee.
- Do your own research! Contact your city or county for local ordinances.
- PCBA does not make money off of bee sales.
- Check with individual vendors as to their delivery dates.
Certification For
PCBA Beekeeping Classes+Workshops
Clinics+Field Trips
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Beekeeping Supplies & Equipment!
Bee Hive Equipment
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Beekeeping Supplies
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Local Beekeeping Laws & Ordinances
Pueblo Beekeeping Rules
Within City Limits
In accordance with Pueblo City Regulations regarding the keeping of bees within city limits, the following information on keeping honey bees is provided: you are allowed two honey bee hives provided the number of honeybee hives does not exceed two hives located on the same property. A beehive shall mean any container housing no more than one colony of honey bees including one queen bee.
Do your own research!
Contact your city or county for local ordinances.